

We Help Provide

All the Choice a Parent Needs

PathWays Supports Your Loved One as They Self-Direct Their Services

If your loved one has an Intellectual Disability or Autism, PathWays is here to support you – every step of the way. We know you want to keep your loved one at home with more flexibility and control over who, what, where, and when services are provided, which is what is available through this self-directed program. In some situations, you can also sign up to be a worker.

The beauty of our self-directed model is that you get more choice and control. PathWays can help you create a support experience that meets your loved one's unique needs, challenges and goals.

AWC is where all your support

solutions come together

Here’s how we’ll help an individual with IDD or Autism and/or their representatives self-direct their services and lead them to make greater choices.

In Home & Community Supports

In Home &
Community Supports

Supports Broker

Supports Broker



Companion Services

Companion Services



Supported Employment

Supported Employment

Vendor Services

Vendor Services


Call us to set up a meeting where we can explain the program in detail.

Our end moves very quickly. As soon as the employment packet is completed, we run all of the appropriate clearances. If only the state criminal record check is required, a worker is typically approved within 48 business hours. We will also need the services authorized in the consumer’s ISP.

We withhold all appropriate taxes according to the W-4 filled out by each employee. Each employee who receives a paycheck in the calendar year will get a W-2 from PathWays.

No. The initial trainings are currently provided on paper with the new hire packet. The worker will read through each topic and sign off on a training sheet. For the annual training, the packet is mailed to the Managing Employer, requesting that they have their workers review the materials and sign off on it.

We’re able to bill a “monthly admin fee” directly to the state. You will see this in the plan, but it does not come out of the consumer’s budget. This fee pays our administrative costs. A traditional model is not able to bill this fee, so all associated administrative costs must come directly out of the unit cost.

There is no catch. Some people aren’t interested in self-directing their services, so a traditional model may be more suitable. Overall, this is a good, solid, and quality program.

Washington, Westmoreland, Greene, Fayette, Allegheny and Lawrence counties.

No, this program operates under the Office of Developmental Programs.

No, all of our services are funded via the waivers under the Office of Developmental Programs or through private pay.

The only thing you would have to pay is if you over-utilize the services authorized in the plan, and we’re unable to recover any of the units over-utilized.

No. Workers are not permitted to work more than 40 hours through PathWays at one time.

Timesheets and progress notes should be submitted electronically via the CellTrak app. For IVR users, Progress Notes are to be completed weekly and submitted no later than 4pm each Tuesday to awc@yourawc.org.

Timesheets are due to us by 4pm the Tuesday after the pay period ends (for example, if the pay period ends Saturday, 11/18, then the timesheets would be due to us by Tuesday, 11/21 by 4pm).

Yes. We’ll run an ad on Indeed and pre-screen available applicants. We’ll then pass all relevant information on to you, so you can arrange an in-depth interview. Ultimately, it’s your call whether or not a worker will be the right fit for you.

No, you cannot be the Managing Employer and worker for the same consumer.

Yes, as long as you remain within the pay range provided by the Office of Developmental Programs. You will just need to fill out and sign a new wage agreement form and your worker will have to sign it as well.

Yes. If a person averages 30 hours of work per week for a 10 month period, they would be offered healthcare benefits.

8 Easy Steps To Enroll In Services

Agency With Choice will help you perform key tasks so that you can feel less stressed and more in control. Ready to get started?